Image created by Mr. Chandra Sekhar Kounduri for fermibot

Analysis of Shakespeare's Work

After learning about Zipf's law, I wanted to find those patterns myself. I am learning python3 now and I was looking at examples on how to read text files and the individual lines in them. I have found the complete works of Shakespeare on this page. http://shakespeare.mit.edu/

More information on the Zipf's law is available here:

After getting text from the web pages into text files,  these text files were imported into the python environment and analysis was performed on it. The analysis of the complete works has resulted in the following observations. Presented below is the output of the python console. I have used Anaconda 4.2.0 with Python 3.5 version. The goal is to count the number of occurrences of each of the English alphabet.


A table is attached below for reference.
Letter Letter count
e 424718
t 300213
o 287878
a 250548
h 227474
s 224207
n 222907
r 216036
i 206018
l 151036
d 139409
u 117145
m 98215
y 87237
w 76331
f 70909
c 69184
g 59685
p 48470
b 48311
v 35293
k 30909
x 4671
q 2862
j 2829
z 1350

Graph of the data done in microsoft excel:

We can see that the count mimics an exponentially dropping distribution.


Analysis of Words

A similar analysis has been done on the words and it resulted in some interesting results. In this case though, the following procedure has been done. An  empty dictionary has been created and all the text files have been read consecutively while updating the newer words in the dictionary. The plot of the top 50 words is given below.

We can see that the top used words are 'the', 'and', 'i', etc. There are also some archaic words that were used often. Examples include - 'thee', 'thou', 'thy' and some others. Please note that there were more than 30,000 unique words in all his work. The above plot has only the top 50 used words.
