I.M. Sobol Monte Carlo Method - Reliability Simulation

Suppose we want to estimate the mean duration of failure-proof operation of the apparatus provided all characteristics of the failure-proof operation of each of the elements are known. If we assume that the duration of failure-proof operation of each element \(t_{k}\) is fixed, then the calculation of time t of failure-proof operation of the whole unit presents no problems. For example, failure of anyone of the elements of the unit drawn in \(Fig.18\) entails the failure of the whole unit, i.e. \[t = \min(t_{1}, t_{2}, t_{3}, t_{4})\] For the unit shown in \(Fig.19\) where one of the elements has a stand-by element \[ t = \min(t_{1}, t_{2}, \max(t_{3}, t_{4}), t_{5})\] since when one element, \(N_{3}\) for example, will break down, the unit will continue functioning on the remaining element \(N_{4}\)

Simulation There are a bunch of ways we can arrive at this simulation. But before that, look at the above images from the textbook.        


  plotData = Table[
    With[{var = #},
        figs = <|
          4 -> ({#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]], #[[4]]} &),
          5 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}], #[[3]], #[[4]], #[[5]]} &),
          6 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}], Max[{#[[3]], #[[4]]}], #[[5]], #[[6]]} &),
          7 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}], Max[{#[[3]], #[[4]]}], Max[#[[5]], #[[6]]], #[[7]]} &),
          8 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}], Max[{#[[3]], #[[4]]}], Max[#[[5]], #[[6]]], Max[#[[7]], #[[8]]]} &),
          9 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]}], Max[{#[[4]], #[[5]]}], Max[#[[6]], #[[7]]], Max[#[[8]], #[[9]]]} &),
          10 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]}], Max[{#[[4]], #[[5]], #[[6]]}], Max[#[[7]], #[[8]]], Max[#[[9]], #[[10]]]} &)
          11 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]}], Max[{#[[4]], #[[5]], #[[6]]}], Max[#[[7]], #[[8]], #[[9]]], Max[#[[10]], #[[11]]]} &),
          12 -> ({Max[{#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]}], Max[{#[[4]], #[[5]], #[[6]]}], Max[#[[7]], #[[8]], #[[9]]], Max[#[[10]], #[[11]], #[[12]]]} &)
        lifeTimes, simulation},
        lifeTimes = RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution[5], {1, var}];
        lifeTimes = figs[var][#] & /@ lifeTimes;
        simulation = Min /@ lifeTimes;
        Mean@simulation]] & /@ Range[4, 12], 2000];

  DistributionChart[Transpose@plotData, ChartElementFunction -> #,
    ChartLabels -> Placed[Rotate[#, 0 \[Pi]] & /@ (StringJoin[# <> "\n"] & /@ {"1-1-1-1",
          "  2-1-1-1", "2-2-1-1", "2-2-2-1", "2-2-2-2", "3-2-2-2",
          "3-3-2-2", "3-3-3-2", "3-3-3-3"}), Above],
    ImageSize -> 788,
    PlotLabel -> "Configurations and Lifetime Profiles"] & /@ {"SmoothDensity","PointDensity", "Density", "HistogramDensity"}]